
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Holiday Boutique Season: Round 2

Yesterday was nothing short of OUTSTANDING. 

We were setup (and I thought prepared) for a fun day at the Annual SOLLC Art and Craft show but had no idea how much love and support we would receive. The lines started right at 9am and didn't really let up until noon. With the help of Paul and my friend Angie, they hauled in more product, restocked as fast as possible, wrapped up purchases and even helped haul goods out to cars. It was so nice to have the help from them both yesterday, it allowed me to have a few minutes to chat with all the ladies (and a few brave men) along the way.

I woke this morning with a grateful heart and added motivation to get creating more beautiful and unique things for you all.

I have always said that I love being a maker but without the continued support of my customers, friends and family, this little biz of mine wouldn't be squat! Thank you once again for shopping local, supporting small businesses and purchasing handcrafted goods.


Linking up


  1. Crystal, Congratulations on your success! Drooling over all your goodies and would love to attend that Craft Fair! Looking through your site and fell in love with that clock made from a spool! Fantastic!

    1. Thanks Lynn, those clocks are so fun to make and quite the statement piece!
