
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Repurposed Electrical Spool Clocks

Excited to finally be restocked with a few clocks, more are in the works too. This animated file moves at about the same speed as the weekend! SLOW DOWN already, I'm not ready to head back to work!

Enjoy the adventure, every minute.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May Mashup

A photo mashup of projects today.

Everything from bud vases - industrial benches - a trio of birds - even a snap shot of our setup at the Wild's Spring Boutique from last week.

No more words are really needed. Enjoy.

That's all for today, back to the shop to get working on some more custom creations!


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Reclaimed Shiplap Pub Table

It has been a whirl wind month so far and we are only mid way through!

Lots of custom projects out the door and in the works. Although we love being uber busy, we do need to take a break now and again to recharge. So today was that much needed break day! {and well, I also needed to clean the house, do some laundry, mow the lawn, grocery know all those dreadful, never-ending tasks}

While I was busy folding load after load of clothes...I was reflecting on this months projects and all the things we've accomplished. We've had the opportunity to create some awesome projects for clients and spring sales.

One of the pieces I'm smitten with is this fantastic shiplap pub table and stools that we recently completed. {here are a a few pictures that I was able to grab in a rare sighting of the sunshine this week}

I absolutely love everything about this set and already have plans to make another with some slight variations but still utilizing the same GORGEOUS shiplap!

Thanks for taking the time to follow along in our creative journey...have a great week!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Spring Sale Prep and Sneak Peek!

I haven't had much extra time to sit down and compose a post. Mostly because I'm in the shop every minute trying to get bunches of spring projects wrapped up but also because I'm trying to develop a new website and transition from just a blog to a more full fledged website. {Stay tuned for that change in the next month or so, hopefully!}

We have lots of projects coming together, some are new ideas and some are old favorites. Here are a few that I can share today...

Rolling island or display table/work station made with beautiful reclaimed ship lap.

Oh, how I love that character!

Then there are these new industrial bud vases. Made with test tubes so you can display fresh flowers or dried! I will have these available in various sizes.

A popular favorite from last year ... rustic planter boxes. Love that they are all a bit different in their rusty, chippy and weathered way.

And last but not least by any means, more preserved boxwood wreaths.

My next sale is Thursday, May 12th at The Wilds Golf Club in Prior Lake. If you are in the area and are looking for some fun shopping this is a must attend event!

Thanks for stopping by today! 