
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Duck Egg Dresser Makeover

What a fun day I had finishing up this dresser makeover with my assistants Marge and Greta. Between throwing the tennis ball, filling the plastic pool and keeping the water bowls full...we successfully captured some photos of my latest project.

My guest assistant is Marge {or better known as large Marge}, my brother in-law's 3 year old rescue dog from Colorado. She's a 100lb lover!

And my regular assistant is Greta, my 4 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let's get onto the project!
You can't tell from these after pictures, but this dresser was in pretty tough shape when I hauled it home. This was one of those projects that I regretted taking on from day one because it needed so much TLC. After letting the misfit dresser sit in the garage for several months I finally got the nerve up to tackle the issues this past week. 

I started by glueing, clamping and filling the drawers. While they were drying, I gave the body a quick coat of ASCP-Duck Egg Blue.

Then I tried to fit the drawers in place only to realize that the repair work on one of the drawers just wasn't working out so well. After I exchanged a few choice words with the problem drawer---I simply had to toss the problem child. {sometimes there is nothing I can do to fix some of these pieces and I have to move on to plan B} Plan B in this situation was to use some plywood and make a shelf in the vacant space. I was lucky to find a coordinating fabric to line the shelf with and make it look more finished.

After I gave the top a light sanding I used Minwax Tung Oil to give the wood a natural look and feel, while protecting and highlighting the beautiful wood grain. You can pick up Tung oil at most hardware stores, I picked mine up at Home Depot.

My next lucky break was when I found three baskets that fit perfectly on the new shelf I had made. {maybe this misfit was going to turn out after all}

And finally, I had these gorgeous ceramic knobs in my arsenal of hardware. I think these look better then the original pulls.

Here are just a few more pictures of the completed dresser. I'm amazed at how cute she is now...I certainly had my doubts along the way!

Thanks for posing for the photo Marge.
{what a ham}

Have a great Labor day weekend!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sassy Spoon Carved Side Table

This charming little spoon carved side table is simply gorgeous...right down to the ceramic casters.

Spoon Carved. Chip Carved. What does that mean? From what I gathered during a google search, both mean essentially the same thing, that the piece has decorative carvings in the wood that look like you could have taken a spoon and carved out a little shape. Sometime you see them resembling flowers or grain.

This particular side table has very simple circle carvings on the legs and around the bottom shelf.

So happy my sedum and pink hydrangeas were ready to be cut, I'm smitten by how cute then are in those blue Ball jars!

Enjoy this last week of August!
{where did the summer go?}


Black Licorice Chest of Drawers

You'd never know it now, but this chest of drawers was pulled from my family cabin in northern Minnesota last month and in desperate need of a makeover. {should have captured a before picture, oops}

After I painted the entire dresser in ASCP Graphite I gave it a quick distressing. Then I tried a new product, Wood Icing. The Wood Icing product is like a wood stain in the way it goes on, but is a bit thicker in consistency. I gave it a coat of Licorice Black to make the piece a nice rich black color.

I completed the look with a couple coats of poly, alternating pattern lined drawers and some new ceramic knobs. Super thrilled with the finished product.

Thanks for dropping by today!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Florence {Flo}

Let me introduce you to Florence, or Flo for short!

This fine lady was rescued from a farm in western Minnesota earlier this summer. Odd as it was, no one at the sale wanted this piece...can you even fathom that!? I had been drooling over her from the minute I set eyes on her.

On the drive home that day, I knew that I wanted to try out my new Annie Sloan paint, Florence on this gem. I finished it with dark wax to give it that antique finish it deserved. I also lined the drawers with a sweet gold and cream polka dot fabric for added charm.

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